Experienced backpackers might do with a 30- or 40l backpack, but since I never have done anything like this before, I thought Ì'd play it safe and bring a large bag, my Norrøna 80l. This is quite large when backpacking, but its comfortable to carry, and easy to tighten to reduce the volume. Besides, I have to check it in when flying anyways, and it's always nice to have room for some souvenirs.
When packing for a trip like this, there's one golden rule; "find everything that you think you need, and bring half of it". This I did, but it was rather hard. If I had been going to Asia to spend the months surfing and chillin' at the beach it would have been okay, but I'm not. On this trip I'm going to do quite a lot of different stuff, everything from hiking in the mountains 3- 4000m above sea level , to dive in the Carribbean. I made it easier for myself by not going to Peru and the Andes, but I still need clothes for many situations. Some things are easily bought locally, but not everything. After a lot of thinking, trying and failing, I ended up with a half full, 12kg backpack containing the following items:
1 80l backpack
1 20l daypack
- transport net for the backpack
1 pair of trekking shoes
1 pair of sandals
3 t-shirts
1 long sleeved shirt
2 pair of shorts
1 pair of light pants
1 pair of swimming trunks
4 pairs of underwear and socks
1 fleece
1 super light rainjacket
1 caps
Toileteries, sunscreen ++
small first-aid kit
microfiber towel
guide book / spanish dictionary
passport and important documents
water bottle
a padlock
- money belt
Tablet |
I know I could have skipped a couple of things more as well, the tablet for example, but I figured that the pros outweighs the cons. With the tablet I'll be able to blog, skype and buy tickets much easier, and I'll be able to watch movies, store pictures and stuff as well.
Most of the stuff I already had, and some I got for christmas. Still, I had to buy quite a few things, so this last week I've been all over the place comparing prices, buying stuff and despairing on how much money I had to spend. The insurance was partly covered by my student account in the bank, but I still had to pay almost 3000kr for the last two months. . It's a bit depressing knowing I've spent almost 20% of my budget on the plane ticket to Guatemala, gear, vaccines and insurance, but It's necessary. After all, it would suck if I got malaria just because I didn't pay for the pills. And the next time I'm going on a trip like this, I will know more what to bring and what not.
Anyways, now I'm finally done with all the packing and all the preparations, so now I'm off to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a looong day.
(if you think the images are small, just click on them, and you'll enter "slideshow-mode"')
What I'll be wearing for the next five months.... |
All of my cables and adapters |
Before... |
and after. All ready to go! |
Jeg hadde aldri overlevd med så lite klær ! haha :) Har en tendens til å ta med meg masse unødvendige ting når jeg reiser..
haha liker at det står: "bevis at du ikke er en robåt" når man skal legge inn kommentar xD
SvarSlettJa, det var litt hardt å velge ut hvilke klærne skulle ta med, men jeg får bare vaske de ofte. Hva unødvendige ting angår, så er det sikkert mange ting jeg har med som jeg ikke hadde trengt :P
SvarSlettHaha! Nå bør du ha latt Gilletten stå igjen hjemme, for jeg ser frem til et orntli' bustete skjegg når du kommer hjem! :D
"money belt" in b(g)old - did Q give u that?
SvarSlettHaha, det kunne vært artig med et reiseskjegg, men vi får nok se. Tviler på at det blir fire måneder uten barbering :P
SvarSlettHansi; haha, perhaps.